Servings : 4
Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cook Time : 5 minutes
- 3 bananas
- 1/2 lemon
- 4 brick pastry sheets
- 15 ml ou 1 tbsp butter
- 90 g ou 3/4 cup dark chocolate
1. In a bowl, turn the babanas into a mash, adding lemon juice. Cut each brick pastry sheet in two and fold each piece in half lenghtwise.
2. Heat up the plancha. Brush each pastry sheet with the melted butter, using a pastry brush. Put some banana mash on an end of the pastry sheet and add a piece of chocolate.
3. Fold the patrsy sheet ends and roll. Brown them a few minutes on the plancha.
2023-02-28 10:45:00 0 viewed